Odyssey Adventure Odyssey Adventure was a quarterly, full-color magazine available to U.S. Odyssey² owners for the low subscription price of $1. The publication contained interviews, high score listings, Odyssey² news, ads for available collectibles, and soon. Volume 1 consisted of four 12-page issues in 1982. In 1983, Volume 2 dropped the "2" after Odyssey in the magazine's title and issues were expanded to 16 pages.

Volume 1, Issue 1 is dated Winter 1982. The premiere issue, which was included with certain consoles, is probably the easiest to locate. The last of the seven issue, Summer 1983, is the most difficult. All seven issues are available in their entirety in the Library. Some issue content has been recut and styled to be readable on mobile devices. Click on an issue below to view its contents.

Winter 1982
Winter 1982
(Mobile View)
Spring 1982
Spring 1982
(Mobile View)
Summer 1982
Summer 1982
(Mobile View)
Fall 1982
Fall 1982
(Mobile View)
Winter 1983
Winter 1983
Spring 1983
Spring 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1983

Note: the Spring 1983 issue can be found with two different covers. Issues given away as part of the Great Game Giveaway feature a banner proclaiming "YOUR FREE COPY!" A photo is available here.

Odyssey Adventure

Odyssey Aventura Odyssey Aventura was the name of the Odyssey "club" magazine published in Brazil. As is typical of the Brazilian Odyssey market, the magazine started its run at around the same time Odyssey²'s popularity was declining in the U.S. The first issue was published in Winter 1983.

The complete Issue #1 is available for reading in the Library section of this site, both in the original Portuguese as well as an English translation. Scans appear courtesy of the now-defunct site, Odyssey Mania:

Issue #1
Issue #1
Issue #2
Issue #2
Issue #3
Issue #3
Issue #4
Issue #4
Issue #5
Issue #5
Issue #6
Issue #6
Issue #7
Issue #7
Issue #8
Issue #8
Odyssey Aventura

Commander-ROM Commander-ROM was a Philips "club" magazine, published in Germany, dedicated to Philips computers and games. According to Dutch collector René van den Enden, subscribers had to pay a small fee to join the club, then received the magazine for free. It was published about four times a year, starting in 1982. Each issue contained 16 pages. It's not known how long the magazine ran, but it continued at least until issue 3 of 1984. Of particular note is issue #1 of 1984, for it contains an article that lists "Spiderman" as a planned release from Parker Bros. This is one of the very few known print references to the G7000 version of Spider-Man. All of the following scans were contributed by René van den Enden:

1984 Issue #1
1984 Issue #2

Club G7000 Videospiele Club G7000 Videospiele was the name of the official Videopac club in Austria. According to Dieter König, who was a member back in the day, the club was founded in September 1982 and closed down in February 1985. Between September 1982 and December 1984, the club published 11 issues of a magazine that shared its name with the organization. Like other club magazines, it featured Videopac news and advertisements for collectibles. It was a two-color publication, making it less colorful than magazines published in other parts of the world. Three issues were four pages long, the other eight contained eight pages. All issues measured 21 × 29.7 cm. These pictures all appear courtesy Classic Consoles Center:

Club G7000 Videospiele, October 1982
October 1982
Club G7000 Videospiele, December 1982
December 1982
Club G7000 Videospiele, February 1983
February 1983
Club G7000 Videospiele, May 1983
May 1983
Club G7000 Videospiele, August 1983
August 1983
Club G7000 Videospiele, November 1983
November 1983
Club G7000 Videospiele, December 1983
December 1983
Club G7000 Videospiele, March 1984
March 1984
Club G7000 Videospiele, June 1984
June 1984
Club G7000 Videospiele, September 1984
September 1984
Club G7000 Videospiele, December 1984
December 1984
G7000 Club News