Odyssey2 News!

Updates 5/22/1998

Hey, it's amazing what you can accomplish when you're sick during a three-day weekend. Seeing as how I feel too bad to do real work, I went ahead and completed a couple more updates. You'll note the front page sports my new imagemap, but you'll be glad to know the old links are still there, incase your browser has trouble with imagemaps. At any rate, I love the new look! Do you?
And no update would be complete without making changes to the Brazilian Rarity List, which this time mainly amounted to fixing typos and making slight revisions to the introduction.

Updates 5/21/1998

Well, despite my best judgment, I decided to stay up extra late tonight to make a couple of additions. The Brazilian rarity list has been updated, with links to some box scans, pictures from the Brazilian Odyssey Tournament, and an Image Index for quick referencing of pictures. Thanks once again to Marcelo Ribeiro for sending me all these images!

Updates 5/18/1998

Where does the time go? Has it really been a month since I updated the page? Lots of people have sent me additions and suggestions for more, but unfortunately I haven't had time to do much about it. And I won't have much time for another few weeks (three part-time jobs and college, ugh...), but then I'll get that stuff on-line, I swear! :)

I've got lots of ideas for major improvements to many sections, including what may amount to a substantial change in the front page. Look here for a preview. I created this graphic myself by altering a scan of the Voice Module box. I'm pretty proud of it!
Note to all those who have sent me updates: When I get the time, I swear I'll see to your suggestions. If I haven't responded to you, I am saving your e-mail and will do so at my earliest opportunity.
BTW, I also had 189 hits in one day! Cool!

Updates 4/8/1998

The Brazilian Rarity List has been updated, thanks to Marcio Luz Scheibel. It now has scans of Comando Noturno!
The Images! section has improved too, with O2EM Windows icons available for download. Plus, there's a scan of a Voice module box!
Thanks to those who informed me of broken links. You might notice the Odyssey² Multicart link is dead. I asked PCJohn about it but he hasn't responded. There are other dead links right now, (stupid dynamic Internet!), but it may take me a while to get to them all.
Stay tuned for some new game cheats, submitted to me by Jason Gohlke and Michael Cronis (when I get time to upload them!).

Updates 3/13/1998

Check this out! Over the last week, I subscribed to a service provided by ShowServices that records hit statistics for Web pages, including the countries of origin and operating systems of visitors! The Odyssey² Homepage! seems to be averaging about 20 hits a day.

I've done some updates too. Even if you've already seen my Showdown in 2100 A.D.! page, go there again! I've added more pics and JavaScript that allows you to kill an android or two!

The Quirks!/Weird Stuff! page has been updated too. Jason Goehlke has helped unravel the identity of 'RoSHa' and the page is now more navigable. A couple graphics look better too.

The Brazilian Rarity List now contains a b&w scan of Comando Noturno box art, sent to me by Marcelo Ribeiro. We can't identify this game; please check it out and let us know if you recognize it!

I think that's it for now... stay tuned for some Windows icons for use with O2EM! *Whew!*

Updates 1/26/1998

Haven't had time to do much, but the "depressed" button images are now being preloaded so they'll look better on slower connections. I did a little housekeeping too, nothing major.

Updates 1/10/1998

Well, I've finally gotten around to some things I've been meaning to do. I added scanned console keys to the main pages to make it easier to get around. I renovated the Links! section too, adding an index, game graphic dividers, and some logos.

No sooner did I write this update than I received Jason Gohlke's Cartridge Reader page through e-mail! Check it out!