Odyssey2 Console

the excitement of a game...
the mind of a computer!

Fun for the whole family!

Manual Transmission!


Thanks almost entirely to the tireless efforts of StarControl, the manual for every original U.S. Odyssey² release has been added to the Library section. This includes the 100+ page Computer Intro programming guide as well as the booklets packed into Nimble Numbers Ned and Sid the Spellbinder! Read the manuals!

Clean Up Yer Act!

Prepare to be swept away by some amazing new discoveries! Homebrew programmer and Odyssey historian Rafael Cardoso has been holding conversations and conducting interviews with Bob Harris, who is best known to Odyssey fans as the designer of Killer Bees. Mr. Harris provided Rafael with a lot of material about some unreleased (and heretofore unknown) games, including ones with the working titles Alphabet Soup and Risk Dice. But perhaps most interestingly, the long-rumored title Clean Up Yer Act has finally come to light!

Clean Up Yer Act was Harris's planned follow-up to Killer Bees, but it was never completed. The plans for the game have been known to Odyssey fans since at least May 1999, when Bob Harris was interviewed by Dieter Koenig of Classic Consoles Center. At the time, Harris stated that he believed an early prototype still existed, but that's about all we heard of it for some 25 years.

That has changed now, because Mr. Harris found the prototype and sent it to Rafael to be archived! Rafael dumped the ROM and has uploaded a short video to YouTube. This early build doesn't have any gameplay, but reveals a few things. First, Clean Up Yer Act was developed for the never-released Odyssey3 Command Center. Mr. Harris revealed back in 1999 that in the game, you controlled a sweeper picking up trash while being chased by broomsticks. The prototype shows us what the sweeper and trash looked like, and demonstrates how the enemy broomsticks chased you. Even in this early form, you can spot some similarities to how the BeeBots chase you in Killer Bees.

Rafael is preparing an interview with Bob Harris that will reveal even more about Clean Up Yer Act and the other planned games. It will be published to Experiencia Odyssey. I'll share an announcement linking to it here when it's published.

One other unrelated topic that Rafael shared: some footage from Brazilian the program FM TV, which was sponsored by Odyssey, has been published on YouTube. The video quality is less than stellar, but it is some rare material that's worth checking out!

Welcome to Odyssey2.info!


Hello, and welcome to The Odyssey² Homepage's new URL: https://odyssey2.info! While I'd like to thank my previous host (the-nextlevel.com) for several years of support, I felt the time had come to move the site to its own domain. Also, for some time I had been having some difficulty receiving messages submitted through the contact forms on the old site. If you attempted to contact me via my website forms at any time over say, the past year, and I didn't respond, it's probably because I didn't receive your message or it got improperly labeled as spam. I believe I have remedied this problem with the Contact Page here at the new URL. Please feel free to contact me again if I didn't reply to an earlier message, or just to say hello.

At the moment, there is no content here that didn't already exist at the previous location. The old site has simply been moved over, with some small fixes and improvements here and there. The better tooling at my new web host should make it easier to post updates in the future. That said, I'm reconsidering my approach to the site.

For most of its existence, the front page has been dominated by a news stream. This was originally a place for me to post site updates, but gradually it expanded toward reporting on developments happening in the larger Odyssey world – particularly new homebrew announcements. I still want to cover those; I think the homebrew scene is amazing and I never expected it to become as robust as it has. I want to encourage it, but it's not where my passion lies.

I'm an archivist at heart, and the reason I launched this site nearly 27 years ago was to celebrate and document as much as I could about Odyssey²'s original commercial lifetime. I'm from the United States so it's easier for me to dig up information on its North American history, but I also want this site to cover as much info about European Videopac and Brazilian Odyssey history as it can. But again, the "history" part is what interests me most. I've never been that good at keeping tabs on social media or online forums, so I'm frequently out of touch with the latest happenings. And it bugs me to promote news so prominently when I know the content is lacking. So, in the near-ish future I expect to redesign the front page to de-prioritize the news stream and emphasize content updates. It's not that I won't post any news though. Some news will still be on the front page and I will continue to welcome any reports of new happenings in the Odyssey/Videopac world – be they homebrew releases or something else. It just won't take up the entire front page like it does now.

But those changes are for the future. In the meantime I think the new URL should be fully functional... at least I hope it is! If you notice any problems while browsing, please contact me about them. Thanks so much!

TRENCH RUNNER Has Launched! We're Goin' In!

Trench Runner

The newest game from Odyssey Brasil is out! Trench Runner (Portuguese title: Corredor Estelar) is the debut game for Odyssey Brasil from Jason Gohlke, who longtime readers may recognize as the creator of the first Odyssey² Cartridge Reader. Jason's new game is inspired by Star Strike on the Intellivision, which in turn was inspired by the famous Death Star trench scene from Star Wars – so it has a classic lineage. Trench Runner even comes with a custom keyboard overlay! Learn all about Trench Runner on the official web page.

Odyssey Brasil's Vault section, which allows you to play emulated Odyssey games directly in your browser, now features two exclusive homebrew titles: Copa 82 (Cup '82) and Salve os Humanos! (Save the Humans!). Check out these and other Vault games, and participate in the Challenge of the Month to get your name on the leaderboards!

KC Returns Once Again!

KC Returns II!

Ed Averett, who all Odyssey fans know as the programmer behind many Odyssey² games and creator of KC Munchkin, has published a new game starring our favorite blue munchkin! KC Returns II follows up on KC's previous adventure, where our hero once again does battle against a real-world biological enemy: this time, the COVID virus. As in the first Returns, KC has entered a microscopic world, where he helps the human body's Adaptive Immune System fight off invading viral molecules. This time around, the membranes that define the playfield form a more maze-like structure than before, which is a natural fit for KC. The game is meant to be fun of course, but has a larger purpose: to teach about the immune system and help players visualize the mechanics of disease and how to counteract it. Ad Ed and KC say, "If you can see it, you can solve it!"

Old-school Odyssey fans will be interested in the game for another reason: a port of the original K.C.'s Krazy Chase is included as an Easter egg! This marks the first time an Odyssey² game has received an official port to a different system (in the U.S. anyway) – and by the original creator, no less! This is indeed a port, not an emulation; Ed worked to build a faithful PC recreation of the original game, but did make some minor tweaks to improve the experience when played with a touchscreen. He even consulted with Odyssey fans (including yours truly – it was an honor) to ensure accuracy to the original. Even better... he promises there will be more Odyssey² ports to come! Although Ed's always more interested in looking forward than revisiting the past, he does want to preserve the video game history he was such an instrumental part of. Check out the Odyssey Legacy portion of kcmunchkin.com for more info!

Odyssey (and Videopac) Hit By SANDSTORM!

Rafael Cardoso's latest release is SANDSTORM, the newest adventure of the intrepid explorer, Josué Jorge:

Tempêstade de Areia

You are Josué Jorge and you have time traveled to the ancient world of Egypt in search of the Crowns of Power. They are hidden inside the labyrintihne and macabre Great Pyramids and guarded by powerful deities. Now, our hero must face unexpected dangers such as giant spiders, poisonous snakes and, if that's not enough, time itself, because if the countdown reaches zero, he will be forever stuck in the past...

SandStorm is available in two editions: the Brazilian "Odyssey" style and Videopac-style. The Brazilian release Tempêstade de Areia is in Portuguese but there will be an English language guide available. It can be purchased on Experiência Odyssey, and may also be available on eBay (search "Tempestade de Areia"). Also, a limited run of 25 Videopac cartridges is being released by Videopac Is @live. These can be purchased on the Odyssey.nl Forums. Both cartridge versions will function on American Odyssey² consoles, but since the Brazilian version is NTSC it will have more accurate colors.

A playable demo of the game can be found here.

Also, to celebrate the new adventure of Josué Jorge, Odyssey Brasil is launching the Brazilian version of Wildlife: Vida Selvagem! More information (in English), plus a playable demo, can be found here.