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I hear these questions a lot. To save us all time and effort, I've provided some answers below. Please read through them before filling out the form. Thanks!
To start off, it's best if you have a TV that has a coaxial input (most older TVs do...
it's the screw-shaped input jack that cables screw onto). There are two options for connecting your
Odyssey² via the coaxial input:
The most common method is to use an RF switchbox. This is a little rectangular box also called a
"TV/Game switch," because it has a two-position switch usually labeled "TV" and "Game." Odyssey² units were
packaged with these, but they often get lost over the years. Luckily, you can buy replacements at stores that sell home
electronic goods. If you're not sure what to ask for, take your console to the store and ask the clerk. He or she will
probably know what you're talking about. Caution: do not buy an automatic RF switchbox like those used for newer video
game systems. They are not compatible with older systems like the Odyssey².
Another method is to use a connector called an RCA® Female to F Male or Phono to F-type
adapter. This is a small silver or gold (gold may work slightly better) connector that fits directly on the end of the
Odyssey² RF cable and allows it to screw onto your TV set. These adapters give you a better picture than a switchbox,
but you won't be able to watch TV on your set without swapping cables.
IMPORTANT NOTE! The early models of Odyssey² units have non-standard RF jacks. These jacks were
sometimes used in the 1970s and in Europe, and resemble the one pictured on the right (note that the metal tip is longer
than on standard jacks). They are usually found on Odyssey² units with detachable joysticks. These kinds of jacks aren't
used today; you won't be able to buy a compatible switchbox or adapter at an electronics store if you have such a console.
The only solutions are to: A) find a proprietary Odyssey² switchbox (very difficult to do, since most Odyssey²
switchboxes are standard ones), or B) Open up the console, pull out the nonstandard cable and replace it with a standard
one. Replacing the cable is actually quite easy. Ozyr's Video Game
Emporium even has detailed instructions to walk you through the procedure.
Luckily, you don't need an original Odyssey² power supply to run your console. Most electronics stores sell adjustable power supplies that you can use. Odyssey²'s power supply requirements are: 12v AC 600mA. However, Odyssey² consoles contain an internal bridge rectifier and 5v regulator, which means that it should be safe to use supplies that don't exactly match these specifications. It should be safe to use a power supply that provides anywhere from 9V to about 14V, AC or DC.
Many Odyssey² players use power supplies from other, more common consoles. A standard 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) power supply can be used on most Odyssey² consoles, just not the early models. If your Odyssey² has a round, female power port with a thin metal peg in the middle, it's compatible with an NES supply. If your console's power port is female, but smaller and lacking the metal peg, try an Atari 2600 supply. It should work!
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