Prototype Discovery: ColecoVision Pink Panther and More
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These are photos taken by retoren, who discovered a cache of Philips prototype items in Michigan in 2013. His neighbor is a former Philips salesman. He still had possession of several items that hailed from a 1983 timeframe, the era when Philips was developing the Odyssey3 console and attempting to create games for non-Odyssey² systems under the "Probe 2000" label.
Significant items in the discovery included:
ColecoVision Pink Panther prototype (in Odyssey² cartridge shell)
ColecoVision Power Lords: Quest for Volcan prototype (in Odyssey² cartridge shell)
Prototypes of ColecoVision War Room (in Odyssey² shells): one bearing the early title "Satellite Defense" on its attract screen, and another labeled "Nuke"
Three tri-fold sales displays for War Room containing commercial carts
Atari 2600 Power Lords I Show Sample cartridge
Odyssey3 Command Center console
Odyssey3 Voice module prototype (labeled # 13)
Odyssey3 Modem prototype
Two Odyssey3 Flash Point prototypes (both in Odyssey² cartridge shells)
Odyssey² prototype labeled "Time Lord"
Odyssey² prototype labeled "Turtles"
Retroren wishes to thank John and Derrick at Game Changers [Archive link] in Grand Rapids, who provided the hardware necessary to prove that the prototypes still worked. As retroren put it, "These two young guys sold all they had to open their vintage gaming shop and were the only gamers in Michigan that were interested and helped me bring Pink Panther to life." Many of these photos were taken at Game Changers. Unfortunately the lighting conditions weren't the best for photography so the photos are not high quality. I cleaned them up as best I could.
Several (but not all) of the items found in this amazing discovery
Odyssey3 Voice Module and Modem Prototypes (color corrected)
Odyssey3 Voice Module and Modem Prototypes (side view)
Prototypes! Visible are two O3 Flash Point carts, CV Pink Panther, Turtles, "Time Lord", and 3 others
EPROMs inside the ColecoVision Pink Panther prototype board, which is stored in an Odyssey² cartridge shell
Closeup of the Pink Panther EPROMs, dated "1 June". Though not on the label, the year was 1983
"The Adventures of the Pink Panther, Written By Randy Green"
The Adventures of the Pink Panther intro screen
The Adventures of the Pink Panther "Dock" stage
Atari 2600 Power Lords I show sample cartridge
EPROMs in ColecoVision Power Lords proto (in Odyssey² cartridge shell)
"Power Lords: Quest For Volcan, Author Steve Ortner"
ColecoVision Power Lords screenshot
ColecoVision Power Lords screenshot
ColecoVision Satellite Defense, the game that became War Room
Promotional display for ColecoVision War Room (Outside)
Promotional display for ColecoVision War Room (Inside)
Back of LCD clock that is attached to the War Room display