TYPE & TELL It talks what you type! Plays great games! OFFICIAL RULES ODYSSEY2 [Image: YOU TYPE IT TALKS IT'S FUN] IMPORTANT! Always be sure that the power to your Odyssey2 console is turned off before inserting a game cartridge. This protects the electronic components and extends the life of the unit. TO BEGIN: ----------------------------- 1 Insert the cartridge into the Voice of Odyssey2 with the label side of the cartridge facing the alpha-numeric keyboard. 2 Turn on the power by pressing the power button on the console. A matrix will appear on your TV screen. If it does not, press the RESET key on the alpha-numeric keyboard. On-screen colors may vary according to individual TV's color adjustments. ----------------------------- Copyright (c)1982 North American Philips Consumer Electronics Corp. Odyssey is a trademark of the Magnavox Company. TYPE & TELL! ----------------------------- 1 Type your name into the keyboard. 2 Press ENTER. 3 Listen. 4 You can type as many letters on the screen as there are blocks in the matrix. If you are in the middle of a word when you come to the end of a line, you should complete it on the following line without regard for hyphenation. (The computer reads all six lines as one.) [Screenshot: SALLY ANN BROWN] 5 Note that as the letters appear, a hollow white square travels to the next block in the matrix. This is called a cursor. 6 The location of the cursor tells you where your next entry will appear in the matrix. It also has an editing function. 7 Press [+ key] to move the cursor backward. [Screenshot: NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THEIR P_RTY] Press [= key] to move the cursor forward. The cursor will stop automatically at the first block of the matrix it encounters. [Screenshot: NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THEIR PART_] To correct a typographical error, move the cursor to the offending letter and type in the correct one. Holding a key down results in an automatic continuous run forward or backward. 8 Press CLEAR to erase all text ahead of the cursor. 9 Text Editing: If you want to insert a word into a previously typed sentence, bring the cursor to the position of entry. Press [Division Symbol key] and all text in front of the cursor will move forward. Type in the change. [Screenshot: NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD WOMEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THEIR PARTY] Press [X key] on the numeric section of the keyboard and all text in front of the cursor... will move backward. Text running off the screen cannot be retrieved. 10 Press RESET to clear all text from the screen. FUN & GAMES! GARBLE! ----------------------------- (1 or more players) Players take turns using the sounds of individual letters and numbers to make words and sentences. Be sure to follow each entry by a space or a dash (the minus sign on the numeric section of the keyboard). O-O C-D-B-? D-B-S-A-B-Z-B O-S-N-D-D Press ENTER. ----------------------------- U-R-A-Q-T Press ENTER. ----------------------------- R-U-C-P-? S-I-M I-M-2 Press ENTER. ----------------------------- I-M-B-4-U Press ENTER. SOUND WAVES! ----------------------------- (1 or more players) Hold down any key and it will automatically fill the matrix with one letter or number. Then press ENTER. Some entries will give continuous sounds like trains, old cars, planes and strange machinery. QQQQQ RRR WWWW The fun is in the finding of the "key" keys and blending them into a clackety mix. SUPER STAR! ----------------------------- If you have a tape recorder or a video tape camera, you can produce your own science fiction radio and TV programs. The Voice of Odyssey2 will be most happy to star as a friendly robot explorer from another galaxy. Use the keyboard to program his lines. Use the results of your exploration into SOUND WAVES for special effects. Example: VOICE OF ODYSSEY2: QQQQQQQ JANE: Professor Hillary! The space ship! It's landing! VOICE OF ODYSSEY2: TTTTTTTTTT PROFESSOR HILLARY! Its door is opening! VOICE OF ODYSSEY2: Take me to your leader' WAR OF WORDS! ----------------------------- (2 or more players) 1 Player one types the first word of a sentence into the computer. 2 Player two types the second word. 3 The other players enter new words on their respective turns. 4 If a player sees an opportunity to end the sentence with a word, he or she may do so and follow it with a period. 5 No more words can be entered following the period. 6 Players use the text editing keys to insert words inside of the sentence. The sentence must continue to be grammatically correct, 7 The first player to extend the sentence to the end of the matrix is the winner. (A player extending the sentence beyond the end of the matrix is disqualified.) [Image: THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPED OVER THE LAZY DOG] IB4047-1 AC9440