OFFICIAL RULES ODYSSEY2 SPEEDWAY! Race against the clock and an electronic maze of other cars! SPIN-OUT! High speed racing action around an enclosed track! CRYPTO-LOGIC! Solve secret messages enciphered by the computer! IMPORTANT! Always be sure that the power to your Odyssey2 console is turned off before inserting a game cartridge. This protects the electronic components and extends the life of the unit. TO BEGIN: ----------------------------- 1 Insert the cartridge into the slot of the Odyssey2 console with the label side of the cartridge facing the alpha-numeric keyboard. 2. Turn on the power by pressing the power button of the console. SELECT GAME will appear on your TV screen. If it does not, press the RESET key on the alpha-numeric keyboard. On-screen colors may vary according to individual TV's color adjustments. ----------------------------- (c) 1978 North American Philips Consumer Electronics Corp. Odyssey is a trademark of the Magnavox Company. SPEEDWAY! ----------------------------- (One or more players) [Screenshot with captions: Timer, Race Car, Score] [Joystick diagram with captions: Forward, Action Button, Left, Right, Brake] 1 Press 1 on the alpha-numeric keyboard. The computer will ask you which skill level you wish to select. Then Press 1. Qualifying time trials (A learning level for adults--a playing level for children.) Or ... Press 2. The main event! (The speed of the cars is doubled!) The playing level you select will automatically appear on the screen. 2 The right hand controller is the accelerator, steering wheel and brake. 3 Push the joy stick forward to start your car. The longer you hold the joy stick forward, the faster you go. It works like an accelerator. 4 Push the joy stick to the right or left to control direction. Pull it back to slow down or brake to a complete stop. 5 The object of the game is toes how high you can score in two minutes. 6 An onscreen digital scoreboard will keep track of your score. 7 A collision will halt scoring but the clock will keep running. 8 The faster you go--the higher your score--but be careful! Each collision costs about two second on the clock. 9 The game ends when the clock winds down to 00:00. 10 To play again, push RESET and SELCT GAME will reappear on the screen. SPIN-OUT! ----------------------------- (One or more players) 1 Press the RESET key on the alpha-numeric keyboard. SELECT GAME will appear on screen. 2 Press 2 on the alpha-numeric keyboard for a 3 lap event. Press 3 on the alpha-numeric keyboard for a 15 lap event. 3 The computer will ask you which skill level you wish to select. [Screenshot with captions: Press 1. Clear track--slow speed. Press 2. Clear track--fast speed.] [Screenshot with captions: Press 3. Barrier track--slow speed. Press 4. Barrier track--fast speed.] [Joystick diagram with captions: Action Button, Up, Left, Right, Down] 4 The screen will display a digital timer which will give you a five second countdown before the race starts. Lap indicators are color matched to the cars. the middle number indicates the number of laps in the race. 5 The joy stick is your steering wheel and accelerator. Press and hold the action button to double car speeds on the straightaways. 6 A collision with the wall will cause the car to pin out of control or break up and fall behind the clock and competition. A collisions between cars will cause one of the cars to spin out. 7 The winner is the first car to cross the finish line after the required number of lapis the events. The first car to cross the finish line will trigger a freeze action or photo finish to virtually eliminate the possibilities of ties. 8 If more than two people play, the winner is determined by the clock in successive races. 9 To play again, press RESET and SELECT GAME will appear on the screen. Repeat starting sequence. CRYPTO-LOGIC! ----------------------------- (Two or more players) 1 Press the RESET key on the alpha-numeric keyboard. SELECT GAME will appear on screen. 2 Press 4 on the alpha-numeric keyboard. The enciphering (top) and deciphering line (bottom) will automatically appear on the screen. 3 Type any word or message up to 14 letters on the enciphering line. [Screenshot with captions: Enciphering Line, Deciphering Line] 4 Press ENTER. The message will be automatically scrambled by the computer. The transposition sequence will be different every time. Note: If the message is longer than 14 letters, the 15th and following letters will appear on the deciphering line and the ENTER key will not function. In this mode, your TV screen serves as an electronic blackboard. 5 The opponent deciphers the original word by trying one letter at time on the deciphering line. A correct letter remains on the screen. An incorrect letter is displayed briefly and disappears. 6 When the message is completely deciphered, the computer automatically displays the number of mistakes. 7 If the cryptogram cannot be solved, press the ENTER key to automatically display the correct solution. 8 Press the CLEAR key to begin new game. Note: The screen will not clear until the correct solution is displayed by the player or computer. IB3749-1 AC9400