NIMBLE NUMBERS NED Exciting Talking Math Games for grades 1-9 Includes Math Wizardry Book! OFFICIAL RULES ODYSSEY2 IMPORTANT! Always be sure that the power to your Odyssey2 console is turned off before inserting a game cartridge. This protects the electronic components and extends the life of the unit. TO BEGIN: ----------------------------- 1 Insert the cartridge into the Voice of Odyssey2 with the label side of the cartridge facing the alpha-numeric keyboard. 2 Turn on the power by pressing the power button on the console. SELECT GAME will appear on your TV screen. If it does not, press the RESET key on the alpha-numeric keyboard. On-screen colors may vary according to individual TV's color adjustments. ----------------------------- Developed with the cooperation of the University of Tennessee Knoxville College of Education. Copyright (c)1982 North American Philips Consumer Electronics Corp. Odyssey is a trademark of the Magnavox Company. NIMBLE NUMBERS NED! ----------------------------- 1 Press 0 on the numeric section of your Odyssey2 keyboard. 2 The Voice will ask "WHICH DRILL?" you want to practice. Nimble Numbers Ned is standing by his barrels of fun at the edge of a creek. 3 There are 100 numbered stones in the creek. You're going to try and help Nimble Numbers Ned jump over the barrels from one number to the next until he has jumped them all. [Screenshot with labels: Ned / Barrels / Creek / Numbered Stones] JUMPING PRACTICE ----------------------------- ["Hand control" diagram with labels: Action button / Joystick] 4 A Press 0 on the numeric section of the keyboard. B Nimble Numbers Ned is standing on the first stone facing a stack of barrels. C The barrels will start to fall as soon as you move tne joystick of either hand control. D Move the joystick to the right to move Ned to the right. Move it left to move him to the left. E Press the action button to help him jump over the barrel to the next number. F If Ned falls in the creek or gets clobbered by a barrel, he is down and out until all of the remaining barrels roll over him. G The round ends when all of the barrels have rolled across the screen. H The Voice will again ask "WHICH DRILL?" If you want more "Jumping Practice," press 0 on the numeric section of the keyboard. (No points are awarded during "Jumping Practice.") Hint! Use the joystick to bring Ned to the right edge of the number he's standing on... Then press the action button when the barrel starts rolling across the number just ahead of him. NAME THE SHAPES! ----------------------------- 5 Shape recognition is one of the keystones needed for clearly comprehending the basic elements of primary math. A Press 1 on the numeric section of the keyboard after The Voice asks "WHICH DRILL?" Note: If you have just turned on the unit and SELECT GAME ison the screen, pressO on the numeric section of the keyboard to enter the drill selection mode. B The Voice will respond: "NAME THE SHAPES! HOW GOOD ARE YOU?" C There are five levels of "Name the Shapes." Press 1...........Beginner Press 2..Advanced beginner Press 3.......Intermediate Press 4...........Advanced intermediate Press 5...........Advanced D A series of shapes will appear on the screen. One of them will be flashing. The Voice will ask a question about the flashing shape. Answer by pressing the YES or NO key on the keyboard. [Screenshot with labels: person / rectangle / circle / trapezoid / square / triangle] E There are five questions to a round. Each correct answer gives you a chance to help Ned jump the numbered stones. At the end of each round, you will have a chance to score points by jumping the barrels. You get an extra barrel to jump for every question you've answered correctly during the round. The higher the skill level you've been playing, the more chances you get. Skill level 1........... 1 series of five barrels Skill level 2........... 2 series of five barrels Skill level 3........... 3 series of five barrels Skill level 4........... 4 series of five barrels Skill level 5........... 5 series of five barrels F You earn one point for every score stone you jump to. You go back one stone if you fall in the creek or get hit by a barrel. G Careful! You cannot jump past the score stone that shows up in red on color TV. (On-screen colors may vary according to individual TV's color adjustments.) If you jump to a score stone without jumping over a barrel, you're going to be bowled over by one of the remaining barrels. MULTIPLICATION RUNTHROUGH ----------------------------- 6 This program provides highly motivated reinforcement of multiplication skills with emphasis on one and two place operations. A Press 2 on the numeric section of the keyboard after The Voice asks "WHICH DRILL?" B The Voice will respond with: "MULTIPLICATION RUNTHROUGH. HOW GOOD ARE YOU?" Example C Press 1 for........(99x9) skill level 1 (Beginner) Press 2 for.......(40x61) skill level 2 (Advanced beginner) Press 3 for.......(23x19) skill level 3 (Intermediate) Press 4 for......(155x16) skill level 4 (Advanced int.) Press 5 for......(787x73) skill level 5 (Advanced) D The Voice will present you with the problem and then break it into steps to help you solve it. Example: Step 1 [Screenshot with main problem: 36 x 7] THE VOICE: "WHAT IS 6x7?" You can enter the answer from right to left as you would with a pencil. Press 2 Press 4 Press ENTER [Screenshot with solved second problem: 6 x 7 = ?42] If your answer is correct, The Voice will say, "RIGHT!" and present you with the next step in the problem. Step 2 [Screenshot with third problem: 30 x 7 = ?] THE VOICE: "WHAT IS 30x7?" If you can do the answer in your head and want to enter the number from left to right: Press ? Press 2 Press 1 Press 0 on the numeric section of the keyboard. Press ENTER. [Screenshot with solved third problem: 36 x 7 = ?210] If you have answered this step correctly, The Voice will now ask for the solution to the entire problem. Step 3 THE VOICE: "WHAT IS 36x7?" [Screenshot with main problem: 36 x 7 = ?] Add the steps and enter the number into the computer. Press 2 Press 5 Press 2 Press ENTER [Screenshot with solved main problem: 36 x 7 = ?252] If you have given the correct answer, you will earn an opportunity to jump the barrels and score. Correct answers on the first try earn an extra barrel. BONUS! The higher the skill level you've been playing, the more series of barrels you get! Skill level 1........... 1 series of barrels Skill level 2........... 2 series of barrels Skill level 3........... 3 series of barrels Skill level 4........... 4 series of barrels Skill level 5........... 5 series of barrels If you make a mistake before you enter an answer, press CLEAR and the number will disappear from the screen. If you enter a wrong answer, the computer will give you a second chance. If you're wrong again, the computer will tell you the right answer and go on to the next step in the problem. FUNCTION MACHINE ----------------------------- 7 This game introduces the playerto algebraic thinking and the concept of solving for unknowns. A Press 3 on the numeric section of the keyboard after The Voice asks "WHICH DRILL?" B The Voice will announce: "FUNCTION MACHINE" and then ask, "HOW GOOD ARE YOU?" C Press 1 for skill level 1 Example THE VOICE: "IF THE NUMBER IS SEVEN, THEN WHAT IS THE NUMBER PLUS EIGHT?" [Screenshot of problem:] # # + 8 7 ? Enter the answer the same way you did in "Multiplication Runthrough!" Press 5 Press 1 Press ENTER [Screenshot of solution:] # # + 8 7 15 At the end of five problems, every correct answer will give you a chance to jump a series of barrels and score. Correct answers at the higher skill levels give you more scoring opportunities as in "Name the Shapes" and "Multiplication Runthrough!" D Press 2 for skill level 2. Example THE VOICE: "IF THE NUMBER IS NINETEEN, THEN WHAT IS THE NUMBER PLUS NINE?" [Screenshot of problem:] # # + 9 19 ? Press 8 Press 2 Press ENTER [Screenshot of solution:] # # + 9 19 ? 28 E Press 3 for skill level 3. Example THE VOICE: "IF THE NUMBER PLUS SEVEN IS TWENTY-ONE, THEN WHAT IS THE NUMBER?" [Screenshot of problem:] # + 7 # 21 ? To arrive at the solution, subtract 7 from 21. 21 - 7 --- 14 Press 4 Press 1 Press ENTER [Screenshot of solution:] # + 7 # 21 ? 14 F Press 4 for skill level 4. Example: THE VOICE: "IF NINE TIMES THE NUMBER PLUS FIVE IS 698, THEN WHAT IS THE NUMBER?" [Screenshot of problem:] 9 x # + 5 # 698 ? To solve: First subtract 5 from 698. 698 - 5 --- 693 Now divide 693 by 9. 77 ____ 9)693 63 --- 63 63 -- 0 Press 7 Press 7 Press ENTER [Screenshot of solution:] 9 x # + 5 # 698 ? 77 G Press 5 for skill level 5. Example: THE VOICE: "IF SEVEN TIMES THE NUMBER PLUS FIVE IS 677, WHAT IS EIGHT TIMES THE NUMBER PLUS SIX?" [Screenshot of problem:] 7 x # + 5 8 x # + 6 677 ? Here's one way to solve this problem. See if you can find some others. First subtract 5 from 677. 677 - 5 --- 672 Now divide 672 by 7 96 ____ 7)672 63 --- 42 42 -- 0 Multiply 96 by 8 96 x 8 --- 768 Add six 768 + 6 --- 774 Press 4 Press 7 Press 7 Press ENTER [Screenshot of solution:] 7 x # + 5 8 x # + 6 677 ? 774 NOTE: The Voice will ask "WHICH DRILL?" at the end of each series of jumps. You can continue playing the same game or switch to a different one and still remain in the same scoring cycle. To start a new scoring cycle: Press RESET and then press 0 on the numeric section of the keyboard Then press 1 (Name The Shapes) 2 (Multiplication Runthrough) 3 (Function Machine) . 15 IB 4046-1 AC 9439