Conquest of the World "No country ever lost a war by being too strong." Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein ----------------------------- CONQUEST OF THE WORLD represents a significant departure from traditional game design. The components have been designed to provide you with a very realistic model of the real world to both electronically and graphically simulate strategic and tactical confrontation between world powers, Electronic land, sea and air forces can be deployed against each other in any combination and are totally dependent on supplies which are represented by energy units. The game board is a true-to-life model of the relationships between countries of the real world in the early 1980's. Forty-three countries have been divided into eleven "politectonic" or geo-political zones. Each country has been weighted with a power base figure that reflects its capability to persuade other nations to conform to its wishes--by diplomatic coercion or by direct military force. These figures are based on the formula created by Ray S. Cline, formerly Deputy Director of Intelligence for the C.I.A. Pp=(C+E+M)*(S+W) PERCEIVED POWER = (Critical Mass (Population+Territory) + Economic Capability + Military Capability) * (Strategic Purpose + National Will). Future shifts in world power and change in governments will--of course--make changes in these numeric weightings appropriate. Players can feel free to sustain realism by changing the numbers assigned to each country as life goes on. If you play other war games such as those published by Avalon Hill and SPI, you will find that the computer cartridge interfaces very effectively with them. The onscreen combats will generate much more excitement and realism than the usual dice provided to resolve conflicts. Onscreen energy units can be programmed into the computer to reflect the relative strength between different forces. The differential between the onscreen energy units at the end of each battle can also be applied to the combat results tables that come with these games. Conquest of the World is the first game of its kind, so be ready for many unusual features. Take the rules one step at a time and you will find it to be a fascinating game of endless challenge--which, once learned, is not at all difficult to explain to others. ----------------------------- THE OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME is to lead your Homeland to world domination through negotiations, conquests and alliances. Each successful conquest and alliance you make will strengthen your country's power base. The country with the strongest power base at the end of the game is the winner. Submarines Submerge into the ocean depths to stalk your enemy undetected. Fire your deadly cruise missiles on command! Planes Your jet fighter will soar over land and water to attack with devastating armor piercing weapons! Tanks Roll over ever changing terrain and wooded areas to stalk your opponent with precision fire power--but watch out for the land mines Land, Sea, & Air Display your submarines, jet fighters and tanks in any strategic combination. Basic Training [Game Graphics] XX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX Tank = Land Forces XXXXXXXX X X X X XX XX X Sub = Sea Forces XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XX X XX XXXXXXXX Jet Fighter = XXXXXX Air Forces XX XX Each player commands land, sea and air units. The land forces are represented by tanks. Naval units are represented by submarines. Air power is represented by jet fighters. These weapons may be deployed by opposing players in any combination. Important! Always be sure that the power to your Odyssey2 console is turned off before inserting a game cartridge. This protects the electronic components and extends the life of the unit. TO BEGIN: 1. Insert the cartridge into the slot of the Odyssey2 console with the label side of the cartridge facing the alpha-numeric keyboard. 2. Turn on the power by pressing the power button of the console. SELECT GAME will appear on your TV screen. If it does not, press the RESET KEY on the alpha-numeric keyboard. ress SPACE bar on the alpha-numeric keyboard. The left hand side of the screen will display a flag and a digital readout of the energy units available to the player commanding the left-hand control. The left-hand flag will show up red on color TV. The right side of the screen will display a flag and a digital readout of the energy units under the command of the player using the right-hand control. The right-hand flag will show up blue on color TV. Submarine school. If you are using the left-hand control, signal the computer by pressing R for RED on the alpha-numeric keyboard. Then press S for SUBMARINE, The question mark on the screen will change to S to confirm your selection. Enter 2500 energy units using the numeric section of the keyboard. The player using the right-hand control now presses B for BLUE and repeats the above weapon selection process. When both players have programmed their weapons and energy units into the computer, PRESS ENTER. [Screenshot with labels: Tree / Sub / Water / Land / Energy Units / S = Sub] Use the joystick of the hand control to maneuver the submarine on the screen. The sub will automatically submerge and travel in the direction indicated by the joystick. Return the joystick to the center or neutral position to "Up Periscope" and check your position. During combat, a submarine must "up periscope" every time the sonar dings. ["Hand Control" diagram with labels: Action Button / Joystick] [Screenshot with label: Cruise Missile] Your submarine is armed with Cruise Missiles. Press the action button to fire. Keep the action button depressed while you control the flight of the missile with the joystick. The missile automatically starts upward and will travel in the direction the joystick is moved. A missile will explode-- * on contact with the target. * on contact with a tree. * at the end of its range. * when the action button is released. When a missile is fired, a sub will consume energy units at a greatly accelerated rate for the duration of its flight. Note: If subs crash into each other, they will explode. Both sides will display a white flag. A VICTORY won by either player will be celebrated by a fireworks display at that player's flag. The losing side will display a white flag. Press the SPACE bar to halt the fireworks. The computer is now ready to accept a new program entry by each player. [Screenshot with labels: Mountain / Jet Plane] Flight training. Left-hand control: * Press R for RED. * Press P for PLANE. * Press 2500 energy units. Right-hand control: * Press B for BLUE. * Press P for PLANE. * Press 2500 energy units. * Press ENTER. Your jet is highly maneuverable and will respond very realistically in the direction of the hand control joystick. For sharp turns, do not move the joystick more than one angle at a time. For slower turns, move the joystick more than one angle and the automatic pilot will take over. Your jet will flash and move at half speed during this maneuver. Press the action button to fire your jet's armor piercing weapon. Your jet will fly over land and water but will crash into trees, mountains and go down in flame if hit by enemy fire or if it runs out of energy units. [Screenshot with captions: Plane flying off screen... / ...will return from opposite side] Your jet is capable of sneak attacks and brilliant evasive action. If you fly off any edge of the screen, you will return from the opposite side. You can use the joystick to control offscreen flight and re-enter the screen in a new position. Offscreen planes will go out of control if the joystick is placed in neutral. Precision re-entry comes with experience. Note: Planes use up energy units faster than any other weapon. [Screenshot with labels: Tank / Tree / Water / Land] Tank maneuvers. Left-hand control: * Press R for RED. * Press T for TANK. * Press 2500 energy units. Right-hand control: * Press B for BLUE. * Press T for TANK. * Press 2500 energy units. * Press ENTER. Tanks will travel in the direction indicated by the joystick. Tanks roll at full speed over open terrain and at half speed through the wooded areas indicated by trees. Tanks will not move through water. [Screenshot with label: Mine] A tank running into a land mine (X) will burst into flame and be destroyed. Press the action button to fire your tank's armor piercing cannon. A tank can fire through a tree if it is close enough. If the tank is too far away, the shell will explode when it hits a tree. Weapons can be programmed into the computer in any combination. Practice using tanks vs. planes, subs vs. tanks, and planes vs. subs. Game Components 1 Odyssey2 Master Strategy Game Cartridge Homeland Marker Conquest/Alliance (C/A) Marker Blue=1000 PBU's Red=500 PBU's White=100 PBU's 100 Power Base Unit (PBU) Chips 1 Game Board Map The Rules of the Game (2 to 6 players) THE OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME is to lead your Homeland to world domination through negotiations, conquests and alliances. Each successful conquest and alliance you make will strengthen your country's power base. The country with the strongest power base at the end of the game is the winner. 1. Start up A. Place the Game board on the table in front of the Odyssey2. The Game board consists of 43 countries divided into 11 geo-political or politectonic zones. The relative strength of each country is indicated by its numerical POWER BASE which represents thousands of units (PBU's). Example: The board strength POWER BASE of the United States is 30 which translates into 30,000 POWER BASE UNITS (PBU's). (See Illustration A.) [Illustration A. Power Base Units (PBU's) indicate the strength of each country. (Illustration shows Zone 1 from the game board.)] B. Each player chooses a set of CONQUEST/ALLIANCE (C/A) markers and a Homeland marker. C. One player is selected totake charge of the WARCHEST (he or she is entrusted with all of the POWER BASE UNIT (PBU) chips. These are to be kept separate from the player's other PBU chips which will be accumulated during the game). 2. Order of play A. Insert the Master Strategy cartridge into your Odyssey2 and press the POWER BUTTON. SELECT GAME should appear on the screen. If it does not, press RESET on the alpha-numeric keyboard. B. Press any key on the alpha-numeric keyboard except the SPACE bar. This will program the WAR GAME into the computer mode. C. Each player calls out a number between 0 and 9. No two players may choose the same number. D. One of the players stops the digital read-out on the screen by pressing the SPACE bar. This is done without looking at the screen. (See illustration B.) [Illustration B. The player selecting the number closest to the last digit goes first. (Illustration shows a screenshot, left player has 1284 energy units, right player has 1251. Left player goes first.)] The player who selected the number closest to the last digit of the left-hand read-out is the first to begin play. (If two players tie because one number is higher than the number on the screen and the other number is lower, the player with the higher number goes first.) 3. Selecting a Homeland. The first player selects any HOMELAND (country) and places a Homeland marker on the country chosen. The next player to choose a HOMELAND is to the left of the first player and so on clockwise around the table. (See illustration C.) [Illustration C. Each player selects one homeland and places a Homeland marker in that country. (Illustration shows Zone 1 from the game board, with a blue Homeland marker placed next to United States.)] Important! There is an advantage to choosing a HOMELAND with the highest number of POWER BASE UNITS available. The greater thenumber of PBU's in your HOMELAND, the more difficult it is for an enemy to launch a direct attack. 4. Making Country Alliances within Homeland zone. A. Each player begins by making country alliances within his/her own HOMELAND ZONE only. A player can make any number of country alliances as long as their numerical sum does not exceed the Homeland's PBU numerical value (PBU capability). B. Each player places his or her Conquest/Alliance markers (C/A's) on the allied space of each chosen country. Example 1: The United States can ally with both Mexico (5 PBU's) and Canada (7 PBU's) since their numerical sum does not exceed the United States' PBU value of 30. (See illustration D.) [Illustration D. The United States has allied in its own zone with Canada and Mexico, placing its C/A markers in the allied column. (Illustration shows Zone 1. Blue Homeland marker next to United States, blue C/A markers in the Conquered/Allied columns next to Canada and Mexico.)] Example 2: West Germany can ally with Spain (4 PBU's), Italy (5 PBU's), and Greece (1 PBU) since their numerical sum does not exceed West Germany's PBU capability of 10. (See illustration E.) [Illustration E. West Germany allies in its own zone with Greece, Italy and Spain. (Illustration shows Zone 4. Red Homeland market next to West Germany, red C/A markers in the Conquered/Allied columns next to Greece, Italy, and Spain.)] Important! It is critical to ally with countries bordering both sides of your HOMELAND to protect it from a direct enemy attack. (This procedure is covered under Rule #19.) 5. Recording Country Alliances. A. Country alliances are recorded on the POWER BASE RECORD at one-half their PBU value. B. Place your C/A marker on the appropriate number on the POWER BASE RECORD. Example 1: The United States allies with Canada (7 PBU's) and Mexico (5 PBU's) which adds up to 12 PBU's. The U.S. player places a C/A marker at 6 (12 / 2 = 6) on the POWER BASE RECORD. (See illustration F.) [Illustration F. The United States records its alliances on the POWER BASE RECORD. (Illustration shows part of the Power Base Record on the game board. A blue C/A token is in cell 6.)] Example 2: West Germany allies with Spain (4 PBU's), Italy (5 PBU's), and Greece (1 PBU) which adds up to 10 PBU's. The West Germany player places a C/A marker at 5 (10 / 2 = 5) on the POWER BASE RECORD. 6. Recording half PBU values. To record half PBU values, place the marker on the line of the POWER BASE. For example, 9 / 2 = 4.5. Place a marker on the line between four and five. (See illustration G.) [Illustration G. Recording half PBU values. (Illustration shows the Power Base Record with a blue C/A token on the line between cell 4 and 5.)] J. The U.S. is planning to attack unoccupied India, placing its C/A marker outside the country. 7. Zone Domination Bonus. A player allying with and/or conquering all countries within a zone receives 1000 PBU's in chips from the WARCHEST for each country within the zone with the exception of his or her HOMELAND. Example: Upon allying with Canada and Mexico, the United States player receives 2000 PBU's in chips--1000 for each country. (See illustration H.) [Illustration H. The U.S. player has allied with all the countries in its zone and receives a 2000 PBU bonus in chips for dominating its zone. (Illustration shows Zone 1 on the game board, a blue Homeland marker is next to United States and blue C/A markers are in the Conquered/Allied column next to Canada and Mexico.] PBU Chip values: Blue--1000 Red--500 White--100 8. The last player to choose a Homeland has the following opportunities on the first turn: A. To form an additional alliance with any unoccupied country not in another player's home zone. (See Rule #9.) B. To attack any unoccupied country (See Rule #10.) The player has the option to accept or reject either or both of these courses of action. 9. Forming an alliance with an unoccupied country. A. If the player with the attack option has sufficient PBU chips, the player may form one country alliance with any unoccupied country which is not in another player's homeland zone. B. The player buys the alliances with PBU chips totaling 1/2 of the prospective ally's board PBU value x 1000. These are paid into the WARCHEST. The player places a C/A marker on the dark area of the allied country and advances his/her POWER BASE RECORD marker by 1/2 of that country's board PBU Strength. (See illustration I.) [Illustration I. The U.S. Zone Domination Bonus of 2000 PBU chips enables the U.S. to ally with unoccupied Bangladesh by paying 1000 PBU's to the WARCHEST and advance on the POWER BASE RECORD by one (1/2 PBU Strength). (Illustration shows Zone 6 on the game board. A blue C/A marker is in the Conquered/Allied column next to Bangladesh.)] 10. Attacking an unoccupied country. A. The attacking player may attack any unoccupied country on the board by placing a C/A marker just outside of the country. The higher the country's PBU value, the greater number of PBU's won if the attack is successful. (See illustration J.) B. The attacking player receives 2500 onscreen energy units to fight each war which is decided by the best of three battles. C. Attacking player's keyboard entry. Press SPACE. Press R ( RED) or B (BLUE) depending on attacking player's hand control. Press P (PLANE) or S (SUB) or T (TANK). Press 2500 (ENERGY UNITS). 11. Defending an unoccupied country. A. The defending player is the first player to the left of the attacking player. B. Defending player's keyboard entry. Press R (RED) or B (BLUE) depending on the hand control in use. Press P (PLANE) or S (SUB) or T (TANK). Press 2500 (ENERGY UNITS). (See illustration K.) [Illustration K. Energy Units are programmed in preparation for war. (Screenshot with label "Energy Units" pointing to the number 2500 at the bottom on the screen.)] C. The attacking player presses ENTER. D. In a two player game, the attacking player presses ENTER. In a three or more player game, one of the non-combatants presses ENTER and the battle begins. 12. The War. A. The first player to win the majority of three battles wins the war for that country. A battle is won when an opponent's plane, tank or sub is destroyed. B. If both player's forces are destroyed in one of the battles, neither is considered a winner and that battle is a tie. C. If each player has won a battle but destroys each other's forces in the remaining battle, the winner is the player with the greatest number of energy units remaining on the screen. (See illustration L.) [Illustration L. Tied after 2 battles, each player has destroyed the other. The winner is the player with the higher Energy Units remaining. (Screenshot shows planes simultaneously destroying each other. Left player has 1750 energy units. Right player has 1631. Left player wins.)] E. After each battle, press SPACE before entering new weapon. F. A player whose weapon is destroyed in any battle cannot use the same weapon during the duration of that war. G. A player running out of energy units on the screen automatically loses the war. (See illustration M.) [Illustration M. Player running out of energy units automatically loses. (Screenshot shows left player with 1800 energy units, right player with 0. Right player loses.)] H. Important! Submerged submarines must "up periscope" for a location check every time the sonar dings. 13. If the attacking forces win the War: A. The attacking player receives the defender's energy unifs that remain on the screen. These are taken in PBU chips from the WARCHEST. The screen energy units are rounded off to the nearest hundred. Example: If the losing player has 1355 energy units remaining on the screen, the winning player receives 1400 PBU chips from the WARCHEST. (See illustration N.) [Illustration N. After 3 battles, losing player has 1355 Energy Units remaining. Winning player receives 1400 in PBU chips. (1355 rounded off to the nearest hundred.) (Screenshot shows left player winning while right player has 1355 energy units remaining. Left player received 1400 PBU's (1355 rounded to nearest hundred.)] B. The attacking player moves the C/A marker into the lighter area of the country to signify the conquest. C. The attacking player advances his POWER BASE RECORD marker by the full PBU value of the conquered country. D. The attacking player is entitled to buy one alliance with any unoccupied country which is not in another player's HOMELAND ZONE. E. The attacking player has the option to continue attacking until losing a war. The next defender is the first player to the left of the first defender. If the attacking player keeps winning, the defense of the unoccupied country will always pass to the left of the last defending player. Remember the Zone Domination Bonus! (See Rule #7.) A player who conquers or forms alliances with all countries within a zone receives 1000 PBU's in chips per country from the WARCHEST. 14. If the defending forces win the War: A. The defending player receives the attacker's energy units remaining onscreen. These are taken in PBU chips from the WARCHEST and are rounded off to the nearest hundred. B. The defending player gets the country as an ally and places a C/A marker on the dark (allied) area of the country successfully defended. (See illustration O.) [Illustration O. The defending player has won the war for Indonesia and places his marker on the allied space of that country. (Illustration shows Zone 7 of the game board. A yellow C/A marker is in the Conquered/Allied column next to Indonesia.)] C. The defending player advances his or her POWER BASE RECORD marker by 1/2 the board PBU value of the newly allied country. (See illustration P.) [Illustration P. The successful defending player of Indonesia has advanced by 3 on the POWER BASE RECORD (1/2 PBU value of 6). (Illustration depicts a yellow C/A marker moving from cell 9 to cell 12.)] D. After the defeat of an attacking player, the attack option passes to the losing attacker's left. The first player to defend an unoccupied country is the player to the immediate left of the new attacking player. Remember the Zone Domination Bonus! 15. Attacking An occupied country. A. The attacking player must commit PBU chips to match the board PBU value x 1000 of the country under attack. (See illustration Q.) These PBU chips are paid into the WARCHEST. [Illustration Q. The player attacking the Philippines must pay 3000 in PBU chips to the Warchest. (3 x 1000 = 3000.) (Illustration shows Zone 7 from the game board. A blue C/A marker is to the left of Phillipines, outside the grid. A yellow C/A marker is in the grid to the right of Philippines.)] B. The player occupying the country under attack defends it. C. The war is fought under the rules of ATTACK OF UNOCCUPIED COUNTRIES. (See Rule #10.) 16. If the Attacker wins the War: A. The victorious attacking player removes the losing defender's C/A marker and places his or her own C/A marker in the lighter (CONQUEST) area of the defeated country's bar. B. The conquering player advances his or her POWER BASE RECORD marker by the full board PBU value of the conquered country. (See illustration R.) [Illustration R. The victorious attacking player of the Philippines (3 PBU's) advances by 3 on the POWER BASE RECORD. (Illustration shows the Power Base Record on the game board. It depicts a blue C/A marker advancing from cell 29 to cell 32. A yellow C/A marker is in cell 33.)] C. The losing defender moves his or her POWER BASE RECORD marker back by the full board PBU value if the country was originally conquered--or by 1/2 board PBU value if the country was originally an ally. (See illustration S.) [Illustration S. The losing defender of the Philippines (3 PBU's) moves back by 3 on the POWER BASE RECORD. (Continuing from illustration R, illustration S shows the yellow C/A marker moving backward from cell 33 to cell 30.)] D. The conquering player receives the losing player's remaining onscreen energy units in the form of PBU chips from the WARCHEST. These are rounded off to the nearest hundred. (The victor does not get back the PBU chips originally committed to the WARCHEST. These represent the cost of the war.) E. The conquering player may form an alliance with any unoccupied country which is not in another player's HOME ZONE. F. The conquering player can continue attacking until losing a war. 17. If the Defender wins the War: A. The defending player keeps the country. B. The defending player receives the losing player's remaining onscreen energy units in the form of PBU chips from the WARCHEST rounded off to the nearest hundred. Remember the Zone Domination Bonus! (See Rule #7.) 18. Alliances between players in games with 3 or more players. A. Two or more players may form player alliances between themselves at any time during the game until the board is filled. B. Allied players may combine their PBU chips to purchase alliances with unoccupied countries, attack occupied countries or to directly attack an enemy HOMELAND. The allied countries may alternate between themselves directing the attack on the enemy. Each allied player places his or her C/A marker on the conquered or allied country. C. Allied players do not attack each other. D. The resulting onscreen PBU's gained are divided equally among the allies. E. Allied players continue to advance or retreat their markers separately on the POWER BASE RECORD. F. An alliance may be broken by any player at any time but cannot then be renewed for the duration of the game. 19. Attacking an enemy Homeland. A. The countries bordering each side of the enemy HOMELAND must first be conquered before the HOMELAND itself can be attacked. (See illustration T.) [Illustration T. West Germany is bordered by enemy player on each side and can now be attacked. (Illustration shows Zone 4 from the game board. A red Homeland marker is next to West Germany. Blue C/A markers are next to Italy and Spain.)] B. Once these countries are occupied, the required PBU chips to attack the HOMELAND must be paid into the WARCHEST. (Full PBU board value x 1000.) C. If a player's HOMELAND is conquered, that player is out of the game. The victor receives the HOMELAND as well as all of the defeated player's conquered territories and remaining PBU chips. The victor advances his or her POWER BASE RECORD marker the total value of all of the conquered countries including the HOMELAND. The losing player's allied countries are returned to unoccupied status and are fair game for the rest of the players. D. If a player in a player alliance has conquered an enemy HOMELAND, the booty is divided equally between all players in the alliance. 20. After every country has been occupied: A. Each player has one more chance to attack under the rules covering ATTACK OF AN OCCUPIED COUNTRY. (See Rule #15, #16, and #17.) B. A player may choose not to attack on his or her turn during the final round but does not get a second chance once the attack option is passed to the next player to the left. C. After the last round, any remaining PBU chips are transferred to the POWER BASE RECORD at the bottom of the screen. Every 1000 PBU's in chips advances a player's marker one space on the POWER BASE RECORD. Every 500 PBU's in chips advances a player's marker 1/2 space on the POWER BASE RECORD. PBU chips are rounded off to the nearest 500. 21. The End Game. A. No new alliances may be formed during the ENDGAME. B. The player with the lowest POWER BASE RECORD score at the bottom of the game board challenges the player in the next highest position. If two players are tied for last position, they will play off against each other. Allies do not fight each other. A player uses his or her accumulated POWER BASE RECORD total to attack. C. The low player enters his or her total POWER BASE RECORD x 100 to the screen. (See illustration U.) [Illustration U. At the End Game, player has accumulated a POWER BASE RECORD of 55 (5500 energy units are transferred to the screen). (Illu shows the Power Base Record with a blue C/A marker in cell 55.)] Enter a choice of TANK, SUB or PLANE. The next highest player then enters his or her total POWER BASE RECORD and choice of weapon. The attacking player presses ENTER. [Illustration V. Attacking player converts PBU total to energy units (55 x 100). (Screenshot shows left player with 5500 energy units.)] D. The winner of that combat advances the POWER BASE RECORD marker ONE POSITION. The losing player retreats his or her POWER BASE RECORD marker one position. E. The attack and defense alternates between the combatants after each battle. F. A weapon lost in one battle cannot be used by the losing player in the next battle. G. Combat continues until one of the players runs out of onscreen energy units. The other player transfers any leftover screen units to the POWER BASE RECORD. The POWER BASE RECORD marker is advanced one space for each 1000 screen units remaining and 1/2 space for each 500 units remaining. Screen units are rounded off to the nearest 500. H. The player with the greatest POWER BASE RECORD at the end of the first confrontation challenges the next highest player on the POWER BASE RECORD GRID. This process continues until all players have competed. 22. The country with the strongest POWER BASE RECORD at the conclusion of the END GAME is the winner. Game variations. 1. Players can compete against the clock for a pre-agreed amount of time. The players farthest along on the POWER BASE RECORD at the end of the time period is the winner. 2. Players can play to a pre-agreed point on the POWER BASE RECORD. The first player to reach that number is the winner. Creating your own games. 1. You can create your own "what if" game scenarios and see what just might happen if war broke out between two countries and the rest of the world took sides. Use the newspapers and news magazines to gauge the reaction of different countries to different events. A couple of interesting hypothetical situations are: What might happen if a Warsaw Pact country decided to break its relationship with the U.S.S.R.? What might happen if a mid-east war broke out and the U.S. or the U.S.S.R. chose to make a serious commitment to one of the countries involved? 2. You can also create your own "what might have been" game scenarios. For instance: What might have happened during World War II if the allies came into the war immediately after Hitler invaded Poland? What might have happened if Hitler had invaded England right after Dunkirk? You will undoubtedly find that the board POWER BASE UNIT relationships should change under different historical and hypothetical situations. You will find that researching World War II and keeping up with the rapidly changing aspects of today's world adds a depth to The War Game that is completely unique and filled with challenge. Practice Sessions. (Two Players) Press RESET. Press any key on the alpha-numeric keyboard except the SPACE bar. The computer will run through a complete cycle of weapon combinations and assign random amounts of energy units to each player. The first player to win ten battles wins the war. Index of Rules page 14 Game Objective 14 Order of Play 14 Selecting a Homeland 15 Alliances within Home Zone 15 Recording Alliances 15 Recording Vi PBU Values 16 Zone Domination Bonus 16 Alliances with Unoccupied Countries 16 Attacking Unoccupied Countries 17 Defending Unoccupied Countries 17 Fighting a War 17 If Attacking Forces Win (Unoccupied Countries) 18 If Defending Forces Win (Unoccupied Countries) 18 Attacking Occupied Countries 19 If Attacking Forces Win (Occupied Countries) 19 If Defending Forces Win (Occupied Countries) 19 Alliances between Players 20 Attacking Homelands 21 The End Game 21 A . Power Base Units ( PBU ' s ) indicate the strength ot each country. B . The player selecting the number closest to the last digit goes first . C . Each player selects one homeland and places a Homeland marker in that country . \IConquered / Allied PBU ' s Zone 1 Zone 1 Conquered / Allied PBU ' s Canada 7 Canada 7 The Rules of the Game ( 2 to 6 players ) 30 United States United States 30 Mexico 5 Mexico 5 Example: The board strength POWER BASE of the United States is 30 which translates into 30 , 000 POWER BASEUNITS ( PBU ' s ) . B . Press any key on the alpha - numeric keyboard except the SPACE bar . This will program the WAR GAME into the computer mode . C . Each player calls out a number between 0 and 9 . No two players may choose the same number . D . One of the players stops the digital read - out on the screen by pressing the SPACE bar . This is done without looking at the screen . ( See illustration B . ) The player who selected thenumber closest to the last digit of the left- hand read - out is the first to begin play . ( If two players tie because one number is higher than the number on the screen and the other number is lower , the player with the higher number goes first. ) 3 . Selecting a Homeland.The first player selects any HOMELAND ( country ) and places a Homeland marker on the country chosen . The next player to choose a HOMELAND is to the leftof the first player and so onclockwise around the table . ( See illustration C . ) Important ! There is anadvantage to choosing a HOMELAND with the highest number of POWER BASE UNITS available . The greater thenumber of PBU ' s in your HOMELAND , the more difficult it is for an enemy to launch a direct attack . THE OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME is to lead your Homeland to world domina - tion through negotiations , conquests and alliances . Each successful conquest and alliance you make will strengthen your country ' s power base . The country with the strongest power base at the end of the game is the winner 1 . Start upA. Place the Game board on the table in front of theOdyssey . 2 The Game board consists of 43 countries divided into 11 geo - political or poli - tectonic zones . The relative strength of each country is indicated by its numericalPOWER BASE which represents thousands of units ( PBU ' s ) . ( See illustration A. ) B . Each player chooses a set of CONQUEST / ALLIANCE ( C/ A ) markers and a Homelandmarker . C. One player is selected totake charge of the WARCHEST ( he or she is entrusted with all of the POWER BASE UNIT (PBU) chips . These are to be keptseparate from the player ' s other PBU chips which will be accumulated during the game ) . 2. Order of playA . Insert the Master Strategy cartridge into your Odyssey 2 and press the POWER BUTTON,SELECT GAME should appear on the screen . If it does not , press RESET on the alpha- numeric keyboard . 14 D . The United States has allied in its own zone with Canada and Mexico , placing its C / A markers in the allied column . E . West Germany allies in its own zone with Greece , Italy and Spain . F . The United States records its alliances on the POWER BASE RECORD . G . Recording half PBU values . Zone 4 Conquered / Allied PBU ' s Greece 1 Italy 5 Zone 1 Conquered / Allied PBU' s West Germany 10 POWER BASE RECORD POWER 8 ASE RECORD 4 7 Spain 4 ( J 5 Canada 6 2 3 1 2 3 1 4 5 7 6 7 France 21 22 23 8 21 25 24 25 22 23 24 26 27 26 27 30 United States 41 42 43 43 45 47 44 45 46 41 42 44 46 47 United Kingdom 8 61 62 63 64 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 65 66 67 5 Mexico Norway 2 81 82 83 84 85 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 86 87 4 . Making Country Alliances within Homeland zone . Example 2 : West Germany can ally with Spain ( 4 PBU ' s ) , Italy ( 5 PBU ' s ) , and Greece ( 1 PBU ) since their numerical sum does not exceed West 5 . Recording CountryAlliances.A . Country alliances are recorded on the POWER BASE RECORD at one - half their PBU value . 6 . Recording half PBU values . To record half PBU values , place the marker on the line of the POWER BASE . For example , 9 = 2 = 4.5 . Place a marker on the line between four and five . ( See illustration G . ) A . Each player begins bymaking country alliances within his / her own HOMELAND ZONE only . A player canmake any number of country alliances as long as their numerical sum does not exceed the Homeland ' s PBU numerical value ( PBU capability ) . B. Each player places his or her Conquest/Alliance markers ( C/A ' s ) on the allied spaceof each chosen country . Example 1 : The United States can ally with both Mexico ( 5 PBU ' s ) andCanada ( 7 PBU ' s ) since their numerical sum does not exceed the United Germany ' s PBU capability of 10 . ( See illustration E . ) B . Place your C/ A marker on the appropriate number on the POWER BASE RECORD . Example 1 : The United States allies with Canada ( 7 PBU ' s ) and Mexico ( 5 PBU ' s ) which adds up to 12 PBU ' s . TheU . S . player places a C/A marker at 6 ( 12 4 - 2 = 6 ) on the POWER BASE RECORD . Important ! It is critical to ally with countries bordering both sides of your HOMELAND to protect it from a direct enemy attack . ( This procedure is covered under Rule # 19 . ) ( See illustration F . )Example 2: West Germanyallies with Spain ( 4 PBU ' s ), Italy ( 5 PBU ' s ) , and Greece ( 1 PBU ) which adds up to 10 PBU ' s . The West Germany player places a C/A marker at5 ( 1 0 - 2 = 5) on the POWER BASE RECORD. States ' PBU value of 30 . ( See illustration D . ) 15 I . The U . S . Zone Domination Bonus of 2000 PBU chips enables the U . S . to ally with unoccupied Bangladesh by paying 1000 PBU ' s to the WARCHEST and advance on the POWER BASE RECORD by one C / 2 PBU Strength ) . H . The U . S . player has allied with all the countries in its zone and receives a 2000 PBU bonus in chips for dominating its zone . J . The U . S . is planning to attack unoccupied India, placing its C / A marker outside the country . Conquered / Allied PBU ' s Zone 6 Conquered / Allied PBU ' s Zone 6 2 Afghanistan 2 AfghanistanConquered / Allied PBU ' s Zone 1 7 4 Canada Pakistan Pakistan 4 30 United States 6 6 India India 25 2 Mexico BangladeshBangladesh 8 . The last player to choose a Homeland has the follow - ing opportunities on thefirst turn : A. To form an additional alliance with any unoccupied country not in another player ' s home zone . ( See Rule # 9 . ) B . To attack any unoccupied country ( See Rule # 10 . ) The player has the option to accept or reject either or both of these courses of action . 9 . Forming an alliance with an unoccupied country . A . If the player with the attack option has sufficient PBU chips , the player mayform one country alliance with any unoccupied countrywhich is not in another player ' s homeland zone . B . The player buys thealliances with PBU chips total - ing Vi of the prospective ally ' s board PBU value x 1000 . These are paid into the WARCHEST . The player places a C/A marker on the dark area of 7 . Zone Domination Bonus . A player allying with and / or conquering all countries within a zone receives 1000 PBU ' s in chips from the WARCHEST for each country within thezone with the exception of his or her HOMELAND . Example : Upon allying with Canada and Mexico , the United States player receives 2000 PBU ' s inchips — 1000 for each country . ( See illustration H . ) 10 . Attacking an unoccupied country.A . The attacking player may attack any unoccupiedcountry on the board by placing a C/A marker just outside of the country . The higher the country ' s PBU value , the greater number of PBU ' s won if the attack is successful . ( See illustration J. ) B . The attacking player receives 2500 onscreen energyunits to fight each war which is decided by the best of three battles . C . Attacking player ' s key -board entry . Press SPACE . Press R ( RED ) or B ( BLUE ) depending on attacking player ' s hand control.Press P ( PLANE ) or S ( SUB )or T ( TANK ) . Press 2500 ( ENERGY UNITS ) . PBU Chip values : Blue - 1000 the allied country andadvances his /her POWER BASE RECORD marker by1 / 2 of that country ' s board PBU strength .Red - 500 White - 100 ( See illustration I. ) 16 L. Tied after 2 battles, each player has destroyed the other. The winner is the player with the higher Energy Units remaining. K. Energy Units are programmed in preparation for war. N. After 3 battles, losing player has 1355 Energy Units remaining. Win- ning player receives 1400 in PBU chips. (1355 rounded off to the nearest hundred.) . M. Player running out of energy units automatically loses. A Energy Units ? A * * ' A. pr 2500 P 1355 T r wr 12. The War. A. The first player to win the majority of three battles wins the war for that country. A battle is won when an opponent's plane, tank or sub is destroyed. B. If both player's forces are destroyed in one of the battles, neither is con- sidered a winner and that battle is a tie. C. If each player has won a battle but destroys each other's forces in the remaining battle, the winner is the player with the greatest number of energy units remaining on the screen. (See illustration L.) E. After each battle, press SPACE before entering new weapon. F. A player whose weapon is destroyed in any battle cannot use the same weapon during the duration of that war. G. A player running out of energy units on the screen automatically loses the war. (See illustration M.) H. Important! Submerged submarines must "up peri- scope" for a location check every time the sonar dings. 13. If the attacking forces win the War: A. The attacking player receives the defender's energy unifs that remain on the screen. These are taken in PBU chips from the WARCHEST. The screen energy units are rounded off to the nearest hundred. Example:If the losing player has 1355 energy units remaining on the screen, the winning player receives 1400 PBU chips from the WARCHEST. (See illustration N.) B. The attacking player moves the C/A marker into the lighter area of the country to signify the conquest. C. The attacking player advances his POWER BASE RECORD marker by the full PBU value of the conquered country. 11. Defending an unoccupied country. A. The defending player is the first player to the left of the attacking player. B. Defending player's key- board entry. Press R (RED) or B (BLUE) depending on the hand control in use. Press P (PLANE) or S (SUB) or T (TANK). Press 2500 (ENERGY UNITS). (See illustration K.) C. The attacking player presses ENTER. D. In a two player game, the attacking player presses ENTER. In a three or more player game, one of the non-combatants presses ENTER and the battle begins. 17 P. The successful defending player of Indonesia has advanced by 3 on the POWER BASE RECORD ( Vi PBU value of 6 ) . O . The defending player has won the war for Indonesia and places his marker on the allied space of that country. Q . The player attacking the Philippinesmust pay 3000 in PBU chips to the Warchest . ( 3 x 1000 = 3000 . ) POWER BASE RECORD T ? 12 9 10 8 13 14 Zone 7 Conquered / Allied PBU ' s Zone 7 Conquered / Allied PBU ' s 11 30 31 32 33 28 29 34 Philippines Q Philippines 3 3 53 48 49 50 51 52 54 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 6 Indonesia Indonesia 6 92 88 89 90 91 93 94 D . The attacking player is entitled to buy one alliance with any unoccupied country which is not in another player' s HOMELAND ZONE . E . The attacking player has the option to continue attack - ing until losing a war . The next defender is the first player to the left of the first defender . If the attacking player keeps winning , the defense of the unoccupied country will always pass to the left of the last defending player . Remember the Zone Domination Bonus! ( See Rule # 7 . ) A player who conquers or forms alliances with all coun - tries within a zone receives 1000 PBU ' s in chips per country from the WARCHEST. 14 . If the defending forces win the War : A . The defending player receives the attacker ' s energy units remaining onscreen. These are taken in PBU chipsfrom the WARCHEST and are rounded off to the nearest hundred . B . The defending player gets the country as an ally andplaces a C/ A marker on thedark ( allied ) area of the country successfully defended . ( See illustration O . ) C . The defending playeradvances his or her POWER 15 . Attacking An occupiedcountry .A . The attacking player must commit PBU chips to matchthe board PBU value x 1000 of the country under attack . ( See illustration Q . ) These PBU chips are paid into the WARCHEST . B. The player occupyingthe country under attackdefends it . C. The war is fought under the rules of ATTACK OFUNOCCUPIED COUNTRIES . ( See Rule # 10 . ) BASE RECORD marker by Vi the board PBU value of the newlyallied country . ( See illustration R ) D . After the defeat of an attacking player , the attack option passes to the losing attacker ' s left . The first player to defend an unoccupied country is the player to theimmediate left of the new attacking player . Remember the Zone Domination Bonus! 18 S . The losing defender of the Philip - pines ( 3 PBU ' s ) moves back by 3 on the POWER BASE RECORD . R . The victorious attacking player of the Philippines ( 3 PBU ' s ) advances by 3 on the POWER BASE RECORD . POWER BASE RECORO 9 10 12 13 14 15 32 33 29 30 31 35 3451 52 53 54 49 50 55 74 75 69 70 71 72 73 92 89 90 91 93 94 95 16 . If the Attacker wins the War : A . The victorious attackingplayer removes the losing defender ' s C /A marker andplaces his or her own C / A marker in the lighter ( CONQUEST ) area of the defeated country ' s bar . B . The conquering player advances his or her POWERBASE RECORD marker by the full board PBU value of the conquered country . ( See illustration R . ) C . The losing defender moveshis or her POWER BASE RECORD marker back by the full board PBU value if the country was originally conquered — or by 14 board PBU value if the country was originally an ally . ( See illustration S . ) D. The conquering player receives the losing player ' s remaining onscreen energy units in the form of PBU chips from the WARCHEST . These are rounded off to the nearest hundred . ( The victor does not get back the PBU chips originally committed to the WARCHEST . These represent the cost of the war . ) E . The conquering player may form an alliance with any unoccupied country which is not in another player ' s HOME ZONE. F. The conquering player can continue attacking until losing a war 17 . If the Defenderwins the War : A . The defending player keeps the country . B . The defending player receives the losing player ' s remaining onscreen energyunits in the form of PBU chips from the WARCHEST rounded off to the nearest hundred . Remember the Zone Domination Bonus ! ( See Rule # 7 . )18 . Alliances between players in games with 3 or more players. A. Two or more players mayform playeralliances betweenthemselves at any time dur - ing the game until the board is filled. B. Allied players may combine their PBU chips to purchase alliances with unoccupied countries, attack occupied countries or to directly attack an enemy HOMELAND . The allied countries may alternate between themselves directing the attack on the enemy . Each allied player places his or her C / A marker on the conquered or allied country . C . Allied players do not attack each other D. The resulting onscreen PBU ' s gained are divided equally among the allies . E . Allied players continue to advance or retreat their markers separately on the POWER BASE RECORD . F . An alliance may be broken by any player at any time but cannot then be renewed for the duration of the game. 19 T . West Germany is bordered by enemy player on each side and can now be attacked . Conquered / Allied PBU ' s Zone 4 1 Greece Italy 5 West Germany 10 Spain 4 France 8 United Kingdom 8 2 Norway C . If a player ' s HOMELAND is conquered , that player is out of the game . The victor receives the HOMELAND as well as all of the defeated player ' s conquered territories and remaining PBU chips . The victor advances his or her POWER BASE RECORD marker the total value of all of the conquered countries includ - ing the HOMELAND . The losing player ' s allied countries are returned to unoccupiedstatus and are fair game for the rest of the players . D. If a player in a playeralliance has conquered an enemy HOMELAND , the booty is divided equally between all players in the alliance . C . After the last round , anyremaining PBU chips are transferred to the POWER BASE RECORD at the bottom of the screen . Every 1000 PBU ' s in chips advances a player ' s marker one space on the POWER BASE RECORD . Every 500 PBU ' s in chips advances a player ' s marker 16 spaceon the POWER BASE RECORD . PBU chips are rounded off to the nearest 500 . 19. Attacking anenemy Homeland . A . The countries bordering each side of the enemy HOMELAND must first beconquered before the HOME-LAND itself can be attacked . ( See illustration T . ) B . Once these countries are occupied , the required PBU chips to attack the HOME - LAND must be paid into the WARCHEST . ( Full PBU board value x 1000 . ) 20 . After every country has been occupied: A . Each player has one more chance to attack under the rules covering ATTACK OF ANOCCUPIED COUNTRY . ( See Rule # 15 , # 16 , and # 17 . ) B . A player may choose not to attack on his or her turn during the final round but does not get a second chance once the attack option is passed to the next player to the left . 20 V. Attacking player converts PBU total to energy units (55 x 100). U. At the End Game, player has accu- mulated a POWER BASE RECORD of 55 (5500 energy units are transferred to the screen). POWER BASE RECORD 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 555349 50 51 52 54 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 D. The winner of that combat advances the POWER BASE RECORD markerONE POSITION. The losing player retreats his or her POWER BASE RECORD marker one position. E. The attack and defense alternates between the combatants after each battle. F. A weapon lost in one battle cannot be used by the losing player in the next battle. G. Combat continues until one of the players runs out of onscreen energy units. The other player transfers any leftover screen units to the POWER BASE RECORD. The POWER BASE RECORD marker is advanced one space for each 1000 screen units re- maining and 1 /2 space for each 500 units remaining. Screen units are rounded off to the nearest 500. 21. The End Game. A. No new alliances may be formed during the END GAME. B. The player with the lowest POWER BASE RECORD score at the bottom of the game board challenges the player in the next highest position. If two players are tied for last position, they will play off against each other. Allies do not fight each other. A player uses his or her accumulated POWER BASE RECORD total to attack. C. The low player enters his or her total POWER BASE RECORD x 100 to the screen. (See illustration U.) Enter a choice of TANK, SUB or PLANE. The next highest player then enters his or her total POWER BASE RECORD and choice of weapon. The attacking player presses ENTER. H. The player with the greatest POWER BASE RECORD at the end of the first confrontation challenges the next highest player on the POWER BASE RECORD GRID. This process continues until all players have competed. 22. The country with the strongest POWER BASE RECORD at the conclusion of the END GAME is the winner. 21 2. You can also create your own "what might have been" game scenarios. For instance: What might have happened during World War II if the allies came into the war immediately after Hitler invaded Poland? What might have happened if Hitler had invaded England right after Dunkirk? You will undoubtedly find that the board POWER BASE UNIT relationships should change under different historical and hypothetical situations. You will find that researching World War II and keeping up with the rapidly changing aspects of today's world adds a depth to The War Game that is completely unique and filled with challenge. Practice Sessions. (Two Players) Press RESET. Press any key on the alpha- numeric keyboard except the SPACE bar. The computer will run through a complete cycle of weapon combinations and assign random amounts of energy units to each player. The first player to win ten battles wins the war. Game variations. 1. Players can compete against the clock for a pre- agreed amount of time. The players farthest along on the POWER BASE RECORD at the end of the time period is the winner. 2. Players can play to a pre-agreed point on the POWER BASE RECORD. The first player to reach that number is the winner. Creating your own games. 1.You can create your own "what if" game scenarios and see what just might happen if war broke out between two countries and the rest of the world took sides. Use the newspapers and news maga- zines to gauge the reaction of different countries to different events. A couple of interesting hypothetical situations are: What might happen if a Warsaw Pact country decided to break its relationship with the U.S. S.R.? What might happen if a mid-east war broke out and the U.S. or the U.S. S. R. chose to make a serious commitment to one of the countries involved? 22 page 14 Game Objective 14 Order of Play 14 Selecting a Homeland 15 Alliances within Home Zone 15 Recording Alliances 15 Recording Vi PBU Values 16 Zone Domination Bonus 16 Alliances with Unoccupied Countries 16 Attacking Unoccupied Countries 17 Defending Unoccupied Countries 17 Fighting a War 17 If Attacking Forces Win (Unoccupied Countries) 18 If Defending Forces Win (Unoccupied Countries) 18 Attacking Occupied Countries 19 If Attacking Forces Win (Occupied Countries) 19 If Defending Forces Win (Occupied Countries) 19 Alliances between Players 20 Attacking Homelands 21 The End Game Index of Rules 23 ' j V J O v Power Base Unit Chips. Printed with gold foil edging on blue stamped plastic for a three dimensional feel. Power Base Unit Chips. Printed with gold foil edging on red stamped plastic for a three dimensional feel. 100100 100 100 100100 100 100 100 II 100 100 100100 100 100 100 100100 100 100 Power Base Unit Chips. Printed with gold foil edging on white stamped plastic for a three dimensional feel.